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Monday 26 August 2013

Wheat Pudding

Here is the delicious healthy wheat pudding recipe for you
cooking recipes
DeliciousWheat pudding

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Be beautiful with a sparkling face

improve complexionWant to be beautiful and looking for ways to treat scars? Wrinkles & scars, is it that rob sleep from your nights? Forget your worries & start to dream of spotless clean face

Sunday 18 August 2013

Rice kheer (payasam)

how to make rice payasam
Rice Payasam

Friday 26 July 2013

Home made tips to get a fair skin

wishing a fair skin?

You can enhance your complexion with harmless natural homemade packs. but you certainly need some patience as these natural substances need regular effort and time to show up result. but they never harm you and results are sure!

Saturday 20 July 2013

Monday 1 July 2013

Tuesday 18 June 2013

She is  a professional blogger , currently working on THETIST as web content writer. She is  mom of two kids doing part time blogging also. Her husband is a watch technician and run a reliable  watch showroom .

" don't go away with empty hands, have some success tips for 2013"

Some success tips for 2013

2013 is running as a jet, right? Haven’t planned yet then it is right time to jump start and pump it. Get ready to become busy. Here are few of my favorite ideas to aid you in the right path! Grab the tips……

    §  Put to paper your goals. 

      Write down your goals and stick them in a particular place where you usually spend most of your time. Then you can read it every day. The power of those words is sure to make them true in your own mind and by the way in real life too!

        §  Do in teeny chunk

          Break your goals down into lighter parts and they are easier to achieve. Take 5-10 minute short breaks between each part!

            §  Be steady

              Remember “Rome wasn't built in a day”. Yes it was constructed by people working and doing something each day for long time.

                §  Find a right buddy
                  Hope you got what I mean. It is all about responsibility. Find someone reliable to share your tasks. Then you are finished your half way. But be stay in touch with your entrepreneur at least once in a week. If it is by phone call it works more pretty!

                    §  Don’t be fooled by, shiny objects
                      Diversions can totally destroy your efficiency. Realize what yours are, and always take precautions. Reduce phone calls, passing time on online chatting, and day-dreaming!

                        §  Add in a “Reward System.”
                           Pay a reward for yourself, when you finish a part of your goal.

                          §  Clear your work-space mess-ups

                            This alone makes so many changes. If you are encircled by papers, empty tea cups, files, and disorder, you can’t be productive. When finished you cleaning up your space, you are sure to gulp energy!

                            While productivity isn't accurately the prettiest topic in this world, it is really significant for your success.

                            Have a wonderful 2013!
